For breakfast we usually fix between 12-16 pieces of bacon, one dozen eggs and at least 1/2 a loaf of bread. This will carry us through until mid-morning when we need to have a snack, usually some kind of energy bar. For lunch we will eat 7 sandwiches and a couple of cans of fruit. Mid-afternoon calls for another snack and for dinner we eat the equivalent of 2 pounds of ground beef, 2 packages of whole wheat pasta, 1/2 pound of carrots with assorted vegetables thrown in. We have had a tradition of eating one Lindt chocolate ball after dinner but we haven't seen them lately.
Yesterday Cord mentioned that he thought he could see the muscles in my legs. He thinks it is because I've begun eating donuts. I am hungrier than I have ever been and I need more calories. I would normally choose ice cream but the days are still on the cool side. Cord is very conscious of his role in teaching healthy eating and has not joined me in my donut indulgences. I am just laughing at myself as I load up at bakeries. Who have I become?
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