Sunday, August 9, 2009


So, I was never able to get my post written about our meeting Neil, a fellow bicycle tourist that we met in New York, near Lake Ontario.  He is from London and we spend a couple of days together riding to the Erie Canal.  From there we headed to Buffalo and he went on to Canada.  We didn't expect to see him again but were keeping in tough by reading each others blogs.  We had stopped at a library 20 miles west of Fremont, Ohio to eat lunch and check our route online.  When I checked my mail, he was writing from the library only 10 miles behind us!  We were fighting the same headwinds and he caught up with us later in the day.  We ended up riding to Chicago together and now have a new family member!  This was only the beginning of our miraculous week.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angelika! Finally found your blog! and Cord had some wonderful things to say about your trip! Sounds like you are having fun! We all can not wait to hear the stories.
    Cheryl & Jim & Bryan & David!
    if you want to email:
